Are getting married
on 19 February, 2017 — Los Angeles, California
Bride & Groom
Anya Benton
I felt butterflies in my stomach from the beginning. Robert was charming, handsome and I melted whenever I met his gaze. I still do. I once told him, “You're not the man of my dreams, did you know that? …The truth is, even in my wildest dreams, I'd never imagined meeting anyone so perfect for me.” It turns out that sometimes reality is better than dreams. Robert loves me for who I am, uplifts me to new heights, encourages me, supports me in all of my endeavors and fulfills every wish and desire I've ever had and more. I have been truly happy every day since we've been together. I am completely in love with him and I'm so lucky to have met my soul mate.
Robert Golden
Anya caught my eye from the moment we met. The second time I saw her I thought, “Wow, she has amazing energy and an infectious smile. She is someone special.” The third time I saw her, we had a chance to spend a little time together and the sparks began to fly. The fourth time I saw her, I opened the door and she took my breath away. Everyday is a fun adventure together where Anya reminds me to live life in the moment and to the fullest. My life has become a rich tapestry interwoven with the most beautiful threads of love, trust, honesty, and fun. I knew that I wanted our life together to be a forever adventure.
The Bridesmaids

The Groomsmen